True story of the conquest of the West.
Royal B. Hassrick
Two Golden Roosters publisher. 4th quarter 1977
128 p.
Size 28.6 cm x 21.8 cm
Brown cardboard cover
54 photos including among others: Kit Carson- Red Cloud- Rain in the face- Georges Custer- Géronimo- Billy the kid- Pat Garret- Calamity Jane- Belle Starr- Doc Holiday
38 color painting reproductions: Fréderic Remington- Charles Wimar- Karl Bodmer- Jacob Miller- Charles Russel- W.H.D. Koerner- Henri Farney
48 black and white drawings and paintings.
2 cards.
Levi strauss advertisement.
Very good condition. Interior like new (see photos)
Royal B. Hassrick (1917-1989) anthropologist, author and rancher studied Native American life, having lived among the LAKOTAS.
He was curator of the South Indian Plain Museum. Deputy director of the Indian Arts and Crafts Commission of the Colorado Department of the Interior (1952-54).
Curator of American Indian Art at the Denver Art Museum (1955-62)
He is the author of 11 works on the West and Native Americans.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate.
But please contact me if you have any problems with your order.